Services & Rates
List of Services
Below you will find a description of the types of services we offer. These descriptions are general, so just know that our processes may be differ slightly depending on the needs of your specific work!
In order to help the initial inquiry process go as smoothly as possible, please read through the list to get a sense of which route might be the best for your work before contacting our Editors.
Please Note: the services are listed in the order you need them as you progress through the writing/editing process, so Manuscript Evaluations are for early-stage manuscripts that still need substantial revisions, while Beta Reads are for books that are ready for publication.
Manuscript Evaluation
Evaluating your manuscript involves reading through a first draft or partial draft and figuring out exactly what the manuscript needs to become successful. The process will evaluate issues of character development, plot and structure, point of view, tone, tense, narrative style, sensitivity issues, and other craft-related topics. After the process, you will receive a document outlining the items that need addressing in the current draft.
40-60k words = project fee $500
60-80k words = project fee $600
80-120k words = project fee $700
Manuscript Critique
A manuscript critique is more involved than an evaluation and requires that you submit a full book draft (usually fairly early in the editing/revision process). The Editor you work with will read through your draft very closely and give detailed critiques on the issues of character development, plot and structure, point of view, tone, tense, narrative style, sensitivity issues, and other craft-related topics. After the process, you will receive a document containing your comprehensive critique and will sit down with your Editor for one or more meetings (as outlined in your initial proposal) to go discuss the feedback and strategies for tackling them in your manuscript.
Rate starting at $.05/word
Developmental Editing
During the development process, you and your Editor will work closely together to successfully finish or polish your book or manuscript. The scope of work involved can vary from project to project, but may include detailed plotting and outlining, reading sections or drafts of the book multiple times and giving feedback until it is publication ready, or even establishing writing deadlines and schedules.
This service can be utilized at any stage of the writing process from early drafting to revisions.
Rate: because the time invested in development varies so greatly from project to project, Developmental Editing rates will vary. The following is a price chart based on a complete manuscript that requires an average amount of developmental/revision work:
40-60k words = project fee $2,000
60-80k words = project fee $3,000
80-100k words = project fee $4,000
100-120k words = project fee $5,000
We’ll focus on the mechanics of writing and book details - acknowledgments, introduction and/or prologue, foreword, table of contents, art and graphics notations, bullet/numbered lists, citations, copyright page, epigraphs, fact-checking, indentations, clarity/comprehension, quotations, style sheet consistency, titles and heading, word choice, appendices/index, trigger pages, etc.
Rate: starting at $.04/word
You’re so close to publication, you really just need someone to go through your book so you can fine tune the details - spelling, punctuation, grammar, word omissions or repetitions, front and back matter, typos, design issues, and anything that may have been missed in prior editing levels.
Rate: starting at $.02/word
Beta Reading
Think of beta reading the same way you would beta testing software: it is the final read through before you submit to agents or pursue publication. A beta reader will read through your draft like a general audience member and give you constructive criticism on anything obvious that you should be aware of before it goes to print (plot holes, inconsistencies, what is working or not, favorite quotes and scenes, etc.)
40-60k words = project fee $200
60-80k words = project fee $250
80-120k words = project fee $300
Other Services
Please inquire for information about the following services:
-line editing
-manuscript formatting for eBook, Kindle, or self-publishing
-query letter and synopsis review
-book cover design
-writing guidance